Saturday, July 30, 2016

Drilling A New Well (Part 2)

After a long winter and spring with little to no water pumping through the well, we waited patiently for the ground to thaw, and dry out after months of heavy rain this spring.  The drilling company was finally able to bring their rig up and drill!  Tim couldn't have been happier seeing that thing go to town.  Our old well was only 100 feet deep, but this baby is 350 feet in the ground and we went from getting a gallon of water every several minutes to 12 + gallons per minute!  We'll never run out and with the new pressure lines we have water pressure than most people have with public water so we are super happy.

Shout out to Mills Drilling for not only taking on the dreadful task of drilling up here (we interviewed several drilling companies who truthfully didn't want the responsibility of bringing their equipment up on this hill) but for seeing the job through and providing us with an excellent product. Couldn't be happier!

Here's some photos of the before, during and after.

This is an old photo but you can see the well cap was smack n the middle of the rear yard. This caused issues when the kids wanted to have a catch or if we ever wanted to expand out back.  It was also an eye sore.

Last fall, with the guidance of the drilling company, we chose a new location out of the way, up on the hill out back so it would no longer be an eye sore.   Both Tim and our buddy, Tom from Ron Smith Excavating dug the hillside out so the rig had a nice flat area to drill.

Here's some of the photos of the mess out back and digging out new lines to the house. You can see it was a group effort in getting this done on a day that was extremely hot and humid. 

Here's the rear yard now with the old well cap gone, the area has been graded and we have grass seed and straw laid to get the grass to grow back.  Can't wait to utilize our new rear yard!

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