The Dream
It is a dream of mine to one day have a big garden, fenced off from pests and unwanted animals, plush with greenery, vibrant color and unlimited amounts of bounty. I was never a big gardener as a kid or when I was in my young adult life, and maybe it's because I was always so busy and never really had the time or patience to put into a garden that it requires. As I've gotten older and my children have grown, I find myself drawn to the more simple things in life and appreciating more relaxing enjoyable life moments, gardening being one of them.
Container Garden
I had plans to till the soil and put in a nice size garden out back this spring. Unfortunately, our well wasn't drilled when we thought it would've been and knowing the yard was going to be a complete mess with machinery where the garden would've gone made the idea of putting it in this year out of the question. I was slightly disappointed but I resulted in what my mom used to do - container gardening! I used various containers and pots that we had laying around the farm already and added a few new ones. Together they look great as I prefer nothing to match anyway.
Plants in the Garden
I purchased all of our herbs and veggies from the Kimberton Whole Foods store as they only sell organically grown plants. I used several large bags of organic potting soil - which is nearly double the cost of the regular soil, but I felt it was worth the $ knowing the produce we grow would be 100% organic and safe for my family to eat. I put in several tomato plants of different varieties including romas, early girls, and I even did the sun golds which tend to be a favorite around here. The romas seem to be doing the best out of all the plants so far- and Im sure they'll all ripen around the same time but Im planning on making a huge batch of homemade sauce to can so I'm really excited. In addition to the tomatoes, I planted red peppers, orange peppers, spaghetti squash, cucumbers, strawberries, mint, oregano, lavender, sage, basil, chives and parsley. The containers are all sitting on the patio by the pool and they actually look great. They get plenty of sun and give the patio some life. Behind the containers in a small patch of grass I even planted a few rows of sweet corn and a few watermelon plants as well. I purchased two fruit trees from a home grower about an hour away from the farm. We have a fig tree which is growing small figs that'll be ready for harvest this early fall and a peach tree which has about a dozen peaches growing and hopefully will be ready to eat at the end of the summer.
Every day I nurture the garden; watering, training and loving the plants as if they were my own children. I cannot wait to harvest a big bounty of fruit in the next few weeks!. Will share more photos of the garden after it's full of color. Here's some photos of the process and how the garden looks today
Seeds, Seedlings and Potting
Fruit Trees are Here!
Potted Seedlings & Herbs
Container Garden is Ready for Growth!
Cute little DIY Garden Markers
Growing Nicely & Baring Fruits!
Here's How it Looks Today!
Thanks for Reading!