So unfortunately, Tim decided one day after work to come home and kick ass and do all the siding and roofing on his own. I told you before, my husband is amazing. But this means I dont have any photos of this part of the process. I do, however have some photos of him putting the finishing touches on with some battens.
We also learned the hard way when it came to fencing... Tim was able to get a long roll of chain link for free from someone he knew. Thinking it would be a $ saver, we jumped at the opportunity. After we got it unrolled and stapled to the trees, we realized it wasnt anywhere near tall enough and we feared the'd jump over it. Additionally, we were short by about 150 ft and we figured if we had to buy new fencing, at that point it was best to back track and remove the free fencing and start fresh with a good livestock quality fencing from our favorite place- Tractor Supply.
As you already know, if you've been following this blog- we just got our goats (which we are in love with by the way) and they are happily enjoying their new home. The didn't, however care for the noises of the nail gun every time Tim shot a nail in to the boards. Zoey was especially funny and very curious. Actually they were all pretty curious to see what he was doing. Here's a few photos of the finishing touches and our final product. Not bad for the first goat barn we've ever built with our own two hands, eh? (pat on the back to us).
Here's a few shots of what it looks like from the inside. They're loving it!
Here's the finished product, even comes with a two section door so we can put them away and still leave the top open for air- OR shut the top portion on days with heavy snow or rain to keep it out of the shelter but still allow for the goats to come in and out freely.
This day we were taking sections of the old chain link out and replacing it was the new goat fencing we purchased. This was the first time these little guys saw the tractor and curiosity got the best of them all. Especially, Zoey! Our little trouble maker she is...
Let us know what ya think in the comments below.