One of the most bazaar things we discovered when we purchased this home, was the attic access, or lack there of. We searched high and low in every nook, cranny and closet and much to our surprise there just wan't any access to the attic space- at all! This means that most likely, since the time this house was built no one ever checked in on the attic space to make sure things looked kosher. This was a really scary thought.
As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, (I believe it was the post about painting the exterior of the home) we were having a major yellow jacket issue near the roof line and there were several large gaping holes with these bees going in and out of the cedar shakes. My husband grabbed the gauntlet and in he dove. An hour later, we had a small access panel in the ceiling of one of our bedroom closets and he crawled around up there and discovered all kinds of things- like a HUGE bee colony that was living in our house. Unwanted.
He treated the area, and the outside was addressed so we no longer have these nasty flying stingers occupying our space. AND we now have access for any future needs. This actually lit a fire under Tim to start another one of our (MANY) projects- updating the closets. We had normal drywall on the bedroom ceilings, and it went into the closet space as well, BUT they installed drop ceilings in the closets with a small lighting fixture cut into them that hardly gave off any light- and cut our closet space by about 10" .. which is a LOT when you're talking about an old closet that's not very big to begin with. You can see where the drywall was painted and where it stopped. All that unpainted drywall space was hidden beneath a dropped ceiling of panels.
Good bye drop ceilings, hello attic access and beautiful bright recessed lighting! My closet is up next! Then it's paint, new closet organizers and some metal tracked wood barn doors- WHICH I CANNOT WAIT FOR!
Updates to follow as they happen..
Just needs finishing touches!