Friday, September 12, 2014

Painting Party!

So this is the furthest thing from an actual "party", but definitely some painting is going on.  Actually, can it be "party" if only one person is involved?   OK, so maybe my post title should be "I'm painting.. a LOT" .  All of the interior house trim was wood, but  not the pretty stained wood one would desire, this was yellowish wood that has been bleached in spots from sun and discolored in others from water damage.  To give all the wood a fresh updated look I decided to paint it all WHITE!    Now, some people called me crazy, and others more not-so-pleasant words because I was painting over real wood... but Im really happy with the way it turned out and it gives the whole look to the house a brigher updated one.

Here's some before's, during's and after shots of random wood trim being painted.  Did I mention that it was a LOT of painting?  Just as long as I get credit for it.. its soooo tedious.


